The therapeutic benefits of spending time in nature have always been one of our core understandings and it is reassuring to see that this is being increasingly widely recognised across many areas of health improvement.
The importance of the grounds at Heightside House date back over two hundred years to 1783, though the current House was rebuilt between 1865 and 1877. The owner’s love of horticulture led him to open the grounds every year and, on one Saturday in 1900, 7,000 visitors viewed the fine displays of rhododendrons.
Built on this historic dedication, passion and tradition, the current grounds at Heightside provide an extensive range of diverse areas that provide therapeutic and healing environments.
Whether it is through mindfulness inspired walks through the grounds and wooded areas or sitting and relaxing in one of the many courtyard areas, spending time there seems to always have a positive and uplifting effect on everyone involved.
Residents are encouraged to become directly involved in both plant growing and maintenance through our gardening groups ….. and for those that are interested we also have our own bee hives!